As always, we hope that you are staying safe and well. We recognize that those words ring differently today and that they likely always have for many in our community. No one should live in fear of daily activities: going on a run, sleeping in their own bed, and interacting with the police.
The Georgetown Theatre Alliance condemns the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and the countless others whose lives were cut short by systemic racism.
As members of a community who deeply believe in the Jesuit value of being people for others, we stand in solidarity with all those protesting police brutality and systemic racism, especially the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) members of our community. We recognize that centuries of systemic injustice have caused immeasurable grief and pain. We share the belief that more can and must be done for this violence to stop. We share the desire to do the work to stop it.
And we commit ourselves to working to dismantle white supremacy at Georgetown, in the theater industry, and in this country.
We pledge to listen, learn, protest, donate, and amplify BIPOC voices, stories, organizations, and causes. We urge our members to contribute their time, talent, and resources in the ways they feel best able to commit to this work. Many community members already have by teaching and learning about racial injustices in the U.S., supporting black-owned businesses in our neighborhoods, attending protests, signing petitions, and donating money.
If you’ve been wondering how to start this work yourself, we urge you to open the resources from the Georgetown theatre and professional theatre community below.
GTA's mission is to foster the professional, educational, and personal development of the Georgetown University theatre community. In that mission, we recommit ourselves to upholding the human dignity of each member of our community, especially our BIPOC students, alumni, faculty, and staff. We recognize that we have more work to do in upholding that commitment and ask you to join us in doing that work.
Letters and statements from campus
Mask and Bauble nomadic theatre John DeGioia The CSJ Professor Soyica Colbert moderates a virtual teach-in featuring several faculty members from across disciplines to begin the hard work of "reimagining the social, political, economic, and moral structures to ensure justice for all."